Michael Reagan Partnership


For Immediate Release  – October 17, 2015

 Remembering America’s Fallen Military

National Partnership increases recognition for Families of our Military Fallen Heroes

 Chesapeake, Virginia –

The Honor and Remember organization is partnering with the Michael G. Reagan Portrait Foundation to provide a free custom portrait of Fallen Heroes from internationally acclaimed artist Michael Reagan to each qualifying family. The Michael G. Reagan Portrait Foundation provides one free portrait to those families who have lost a loved one due to the war on terror while Honor and Remember presents unique personalized flags. It is their goal to present these portraits and flags together at specific ceremonies.

“This is a perfect affiliation which will allow us to reach many more Gold Star families with respectful and honorable tributes. We will always be grateful for those who stand up for us and our freedom and will never forget those fallen heroes who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country,” said Michael Reagan, President of Michael G. Reagan Portrait Foundation.

Honor and Remember Founder George Lutz said, “Together we are able to bring additional elements of healing to many grieving families and let them know their loved ones are not forgotten.”

Honor and Remember, Inc, through its state chapter network, will partner with the Michael G. Reagan Portrait Foundation to present these hand drawn portraits at specific planned events along with hand sewn personalized flags, wherever possible.




About the Honor and Remember Flag

The Honor and Remember Flag was unveiled at a ceremony on Memorial Day, May 26, 2008. The mission of Honor and Remember is to create, establish and promote a nationally recognized flag that will fly continuously as a visible reminder to all Americans of the lives lost in defense of our national freedoms. The flag is meant to be a public symbol of appreciation that honors all military lives lost while serving since our nation’s inception.
Personalized flags are regularly presented to individual families of fallen service members. Each personalized flag contains the name, theater of operation and date of death of the individual. The flags are presented at both private and public occasions.
Honor and Remember, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.  For more information, please visit www.honorandremember.org.


About Michael G. Reagan Portrait Foundation
The mission is to honor the American Fallen Heroes for their ultimate sacrifice during the war against terrorism. The foundation will provide the resources to produce and distribute to each family a hand-drawn portrait of their Fallen Hero, created by artist Michael G. Reagan, free of charge. Each portrait is intended to show their Love and Respect for these Heroes and their families. Michael has to date created and sent to families more than 4,200 portraits of Fallen Heroes.  The Michael G. Reagan Portrait Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.  For more information, please visit www.fallenheroesproject.org.


