Honor and Remember Dispatch – June 2010, Vol 3 Issue 5

  Founder’s Message  – The Journey Continues

Hello from Cleveland, Ohio! Exciting things are happening with the Honor and Remember Across America campaign. This is the first dispatch from the road that I’ve been able to put together, but there will be weekly updates from here until I return home in November.

Where to start! How about with our terrific welcome in Cleveland? I am on my way to the Cleveland Indians baseball stadium for Honor and Remember Night with a motorcycle escort courtesy of Rolling Thunder. This is just one of dozens of special moments that I’ve had in the first 30 days of our national effort to raise awareness about the Honor and Remember Flag.

This update will be a little longer than the ones to follow so that I can catch you up on all of the exciting news so far.

As you may know, Honor and Remember Across America is a five-month journey across the USA that will take us to every state capital. Our goal is to meet with local, state and federal political leaders in order ask for their endorsement for both state and federal recognition of the Honor and Remember Flag. At each stop my hope is to spend time with Gold Star families and share the vision of what we are doing as well as share stories of our loved ones. The most important moments are the presentation to many families with personalized flags.

On June 7, we set out on the first leg of our journey, which took us to Dover Air Force Base in Delaware, where we were met by the base commander, vice commander and chief of family support. The Dover facility is where our fallen heroes first come when they return to the USA. What an amazing place this is to welcome our heroes home! We had the privilege of presenting flags to the families of LCpl Richard James and SP4 Keith Campbell. Lots of tears of gratitude for the recognition of the sacrifice of these two Americans.

June 8 saw us head out of Delaware’s capital after a successful meeting with state legislators. Our destination: Bel Air, Maryland, where we presented two more flags to Gold Star families. The next day, we visited the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD, where we had a great tour and fabulous lunch with several Gold Star families.

Next stop: New Jersey. Another flag presentation, this time for a family of a Vietnam War casualty. After leaving Trenton, we headed to New York City, where I appeared on the FOX News Strategy Room broadcast.

June 12 – Onward to Connecticut to attend a fallen heroes memorial celebration with many Gold Star families in attendance, including the widow of a Vietnam soldier.

On June 14, we met with our first governor (other than Bob McDonnell in our home state of Virginia). Rhode Island Governor Donald Carcieri signed our Pledge of Support, a document we are taking from state to state, asking lawmakers at every level of government to promise their support for recognizing the Honor and Remember Flag at the state and national levels.

June 15 we were in Boston, Massachusetts for a flag presentation  within the halls of the state capital. Many legislators and Gold Star families in attendance.

Augusta, Maine was our next stop for a flag presentation for another Vietnam God Star mother. On June 18, we had a great meeting with Vermont Governor Jim Douglas.

June 21. Albany, New York. Met with two New York state senators and had a great interview on ABC Channel 10 News. We visited Syracuse and Rochester, which included a Patriot Guard escort to a Rochester Redwings game, where a special ceremony was held.

June 24 was a travel day to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. All along the way we have had the opportunity to stay with wonderful families and visit great churches. Governor Ed Rendell promised that the HR Flag will be flying in PA. On our way to the Pennsylvania’s Heroes Walk outside Pittsburgh we passed the 3,000-mile mark after 18 days on the road.

Charleston, West Virginia was our next stopover. We met with Governor Joe Manchin III and held a ceremony for several Gold Star families. Then it was on to Cincinnati, Ohio, where we discovered that the Honor and Remember RV needed some brakes. God must have had his hand on us as we cross the mountains in West Virginia.

Today, July 2, we had a great press conference at the Ohio state house in Columbus. Two more flag presentations. On our way to the Cleveland Indians game.

As you can see, it’s been an eventful month.

Monday we head for Traverse City, Michigan, where we will spend a few days before we head out for Indianapolis, Indiana.

Please check the Honor and Remember web site www.honorandremember.org for the Honor and Remember Across America itinerary. There are many expenses on our journey, one of the largest being gas. Please consider helping us financially or providing any other assistance as we come to your hometown. Contact us at the web site and let us know if you would like to be involved with any of the planned events in your state. Thank you for the continued prayers and encouragement.

God Bless
Sign the Petition ~ Share the Vision ~ Fly the Flag

Founder’s Message  – The Journey Continues
Hello from Cleveland, Ohio! Exciting things are happening with the Honor and Remember Across America campaign. This is the first dispatch from the road that I’ve been able to put together, but there will be weekly updates from here until I return home in November.

Where to start! How about with our terrific welcome in Cleveland? I am on my way to the Cleveland Indians baseball stadium for Honor and Remember Night with a motorcycle escort courtesy of Rolling Thunder. This is just one of dozens of special moments that I’ve had in the first 30 days of our national effort to raise awareness about the Honor and Remember Flag.

This update will be a little longer than the ones to follow so that I can catch you up on all of the exciting news so far.

As you may know, Honor and Remember Across America is a five-month journey across the USA that will take us to every state capital. Our goal is to meet with local, state and federal political leaders in order ask for their endorsement for both state and federal recognition of the Honor and Remember Flag. At each stop my hope is to spend time with Gold Star families and share the vision of what we are doing as well as share stories of our loved ones. The most important moments are the presentation to many families with personalized flags.

On June 7, we set out on the first leg of our journey, which took us to Dover Air Force Base in Delaware, where we were met by the base commander, vice commander and chief of family support. The Dover facility is where our fallen heroes first come when they return to the USA. What an amazing place this is to welcome our heroes home! We had the privilege of presenting flags to the families of LCpl Richard James and SP4 Keith Campbell. Lots of tears of gratitude for the recognition of the sacrifice of these two Americans.

June 8 saw us head out of Delaware’s capital after a successful meeting with state legislators. Our destination: Bel Air, Maryland, where we presented two more flags to Gold Star families. The next day, we visited the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD, where we had a great tour and fabulous lunch with several Gold Star families.

Next stop: New Jersey. Another flag presentation, this time for a family of a Vietnam War casualty. After leaving Trenton, we headed to New York City, where I appeared on the FOX News Strategy Room broadcast.

June 12 – Onward to Connecticut to attend a fallen heroes memorial celebration with many Gold Star families in attendance, including the widow of a Vietnam soldier.

On June 14, we met with our first governor (other than Bob McDonnell in our home state of Virginia). Rhode Island Governor Donald Carcieri signed our Pledge of Support, a document we are taking from state to state, asking lawmakers at every level of government to promise their support for recognizing the Honor and Remember Flag at the state and national levels.

June 15 we were in Boston, Massachusetts for a flag presentation  within the halls of the state capital. Many legislators and Gold Star families in attendance.

Augusta, Maine was our next stop for a flag presentation for another Vietnam God Star mother. On June 18, we had a great meeting with Vermont Governor Jim Douglas.

June 21. Albany, New York. Met with two New York state senators and had a great interview on ABC Channel 10 News. We visited Syracuse and Rochester, which included a Patriot Guard escort to a Rochester Redwings game, where a special ceremony was held.

June 24 was a travel day to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. All along the way we have had the opportunity to stay with wonderful families and visit great churches. Governor Ed Rendell promised that the HR Flag will be flying in PA. On our way to the Pennsylvania’s Heroes Walk outside Pittsburgh we passed the 3,000-mile mark after 18 days on the road.

Charleston, West Virginia was our next stopover. We met with Governor Joe Manchin III and held a ceremony for several Gold Star families. Then it was on to Cincinnati, Ohio, where we discovered that the Honor and Remember RV needed some brakes. God must have had his hand on us as we cross the mountains in West Virginia.

Today, July 2, we had a great press conference at the Ohio state house in Columbus. Two more flag presentations. On our way to the Cleveland Indians game. As you can see, it’s been an eventful month. Monday we head for Traverse City, Michigan, where we will spend a few days before we head out for Indianapolis, Indiana.

Please check the Honor and Remember web site www.honorandremember.org for the Honor and Remember Across America itinerary. There are many expenses on our journey, one of the largest being gas. Please consider helping us financially or providing any other assistance as we come to your hometown. Contact us at the web site and let us know if you would like to be involved with any of the planned events in your state. Thank you for the continued prayers and encouragement.

God Bless
Sign the Petition ~ Share the Vision ~ Fly the Flag