Honor and Remember Dispatch – August 2009, Vol 2 Issue 8

  Founder’s Message  – How you can Help!

As we move into the final month of summertime and look forward to fall, we need to think about renewing our efforts to build support for the Honor and Remember initiatives. The following is a simple list of things everyone can do to spread the word about our mission:

1. Be sure that everyone in your sphere of influence (i.e. relatives, friends, co-workers, church members, etc.) know about the Honor and Remember campaign. Encourage them to go to our web site www.honorandremember.org and sign the petition. Also, please make them aware that we offer a variety of merchandise to outwardly display their support.

2. Encourage organizations that have a flagpole (i.e. businesses, churches, veterans groups, etc.) to purchase and fly the Honor and Remember Flag. Wherever you see an American flag flying is a potential location for the Honor and Remember Flag.

3. Write a letter to your city council requesting that it adopt a resolution officially recognizing the Honor and Remember Flag. Ten cities in Virginia, Pennsylvania, Texas and North Carolina have already done so. We can help you with wording the request. You can use the wording of congressional bill HR 1034 as a guideline.

4. Contact your state representatives and ask them to seek a resolution adopting the Honor and Remember Flag at the state level. The state of Pennsylvania has already endorsed and Virginia is currently writing adoption legislation. Again, use HR 1034 as a guideline. (PA link)

5. Contact your U.S. congressional representative and ask them to co-sponsor HR 1034. It is important that they co-sponsor and actually place their name on the bill, which is currently in the House Judiciary Committee. They must contact the office of Rep. Randy Forbes from VA.

6. If you know of a Gold Star family (family that has lost someone in military service) in your community, please consider sponsoring an Honor and Remember Flag for them. Sponsoring a flag means paying for the personalization of a flag that pays tribute to their loved one and organizing a special presentation of the flag to the family.

7. Consider setting up a table at local events to have petitions signed and to hand out Honor and Remember literature.

8. Contact local radio and TV stations and newspapers and educate them about the Honor and Remember Flag. We are very willing to do interviews to educate the public and increase awareness.

9. Call or write to national radio and TV talk show personalities and educate them about the flag, encouraging them to visit the Honor and Remember website for more information. Sean Hannity is a good start. Also please thank Dennis Miller for his strong support!

10. Share your ideas about raising awareness for Honor and Remember with us. We are always looking for new ways to get the word out.

11. There are many expenses involved in conducting this national campaign. Any support you can give is essential. If every supporter donated just $5.00 a month we would be able to provide flags to thousands of families in total fulfillment of our charitable goal. Honor and Remember, Inc. is an IRS approved 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Donations are tax deductible. Please Donate Here.

Finally, we are in the process of forming state chapters of Honor and Remember. Each chapter will be organized to promote Honor and Remember by pursuing the goals outlined above. If you are interested in becoming involved in forming or joining a state chapter, please contact us and we will get you started on the process.


  Our Hero’s Story – The Tapper Family

Petty Officer First Class David M. Tapper, U.S. Navy Seal, served his country for 13 years. He was killed in action on August 20, 2003 during his third tour of duty in Afghanistan. The following are thoughts from his family.

Diana: For a long time, I called David my BIG LITTLE BROTHER. To us, this meant that we were both responsible to protect each other. Knowing there was mutual trust and care, we looked out for each other and the things most important to us in our lives.  When I think about David and the strength and courage with which he faced the world, I will always be proud of all that he is and all that he has done.  By his example, David has provided us all with a never-ending foundation of strength.

I could never have asked for more in a brother and I will miss him every day.  I will miss his friendship and all that we shared, for he has played such a huge role in my life.  The thing I will miss the most is spending time with him and all the good times and laughter we had together. David loved to make us laugh.  His funny gestures, faces and antics personified his wit and his charm. I believe in my heart that David would want us all to hold onto the memories he gave us. When we are together, we can honor him most by sharing the happy times, embracing each other, and taking the time to say, “I love you.”

Brenda: They say one person doesn’t make a difference, but they are wrong, My brother did, he did.  I love you David and I love your family.  We are so blessed to have them; your dear wife Tracy and your four children: Raimen, Vanessa, Talia, and Jared.

Ruth: When we grieve a loss such as this, we tend to put our loved one on a pedestal.  David belongs there.  He was my brother and my friend.  There is not a soul on this earth that I ever spoke of with more pride.  I never will.

Judi: David was truly dedicated to his family and to his Navy Seal family.  He has “fought the good fight, he has finished his course” and I know he has been given a crown in glory.  I miss him dearly, but some glad morning, we will be together again … forever in eternity.

NOTE: Honor and Remember is looking for positive stories about the young men and women who have died serving our country. We would like to share them in this newsletter and on a special page on our web site. The stories should be about 300-400 words in length and contain insights that capture the individual’s personality and celebrate their life and honor their experiences in service, etc. We want to present a snapshot of our young heroes … who they were and how those who loved them remember. Photos are welcome.

*** Please send to contact@honorandremember.org

  Why I’m on Board – Karen Cox 

I am old enough to remember the Vietnam War and to have been the proud wearer of a POW/MIA bracelet.  As soon as I read that one of George Lutz’s visions is to have the Honor and Remember Flag adopted as a national emblem, as the POW/MIA flag has been, I felt an immediate connection and knew this was a cause worthy of our support. My conviction only deepened as I read about the symbolism of each part of the flag.

As I read, I could only think of the 21 Marines from my husband’s battalion who died during their deployment to Iraq in 2004.  My husband is a U.S. Navy chaplain and served as the battalion chaplain with the 1st Battalion 8th Marines in the Battle of Fallujah in November 2004. They lost 17 Marines in that battle plus an additional four Marines during the course of their entire seven month deployment. I think this flag is a very fitting tribute to them and to all who have so willingly given their lives in defense of our freedom since the birth of our country.  This flag truly honors those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice.

My husband and I paid to have flags personalized for the Gold Star families from the 1st Battalion 8th Marines. I was honored to participate in the presentation ceremony to many of these families on July 4th.  Many of the Marines who fought alongside these fallen Marines were also present. To witness the healing that took place for both the Gold Star families and the Marines who were there as we honored and remembered their sons and brothers-in-arms by presenting personalized flags to the families will be an experience I will never forget.  I am committed even more now to seeing this flag officially adopted and for more Gold Star families to receive a personalized flag.

  Recent News and Presentations

July 4th 1:30pm – Harbor Fest. Norfolk, VA, Flag Presentation to a Vietnam era mother in honor of
WO1 James H. Dunn III ~ 23 April 1969 ~ Vietnam

July 4th 11am – Washington DC, 1/8 Reunion. Presentation of 20 flags to the families of the 1/8 marines lost in Battle for Fallujah, Iraq. Cpl Todd J. Godwin  ~  20 July 2004, Sgt Lonny D. Wells ~ 9 Nov 2004, Sgt RJ Jimenez ~ 10 Nov 2004, Cpl Nicholas L. Ziolkowski  ~ 14 Nov 2004, LCpl Bradley L. Parker  ~ 15 Nov 2004, LCpl Billy L. Miller ~ 15 Nov 2004, LCpl Demarkus D. Brown ~ 19 Nov 2004, LCpl Jeffery S. Holmes ~ 25 Nov 2004, Cpl Gentian Marku ~ 25 Nov 2004, Cpl Kirk J. Bosselmann ~ 27 Nov 2004, LCpl Joshua E. Lucero ~ 27 Nov 2004, Cpl Joshua M. Munns ~ USMC, 1stLt Dan T. Malcom Jr. ~ 10 Nov 2004.

July 16th – Laguna Hills, CA, Gold Star Wives convention. Flag Presentation to founder Marie Jordan-Speers, WWII widow, in honor of  Pvt. Edward H. Jordan ~ 25 Nov 1944 ~ Germany

July 17th – Meeting with Dennis Miller. Received overwhelming endorsement.

July 18th – Virginia Beach, VA, Allen Stone Memorial Run. Flag Presentation to a Navy Seal mother in honor of  PO1 L. Allen Stone ~ 3 Sept 1999 ~ U.S. Navy

July 30th – Ogden, UT, Field of Flags. National Gathering of the Patriot Guard. Four Presentations to Gold Star families. Remembering CSM Stacy L. Hunt ~ 24 Feb 2000 ~ U.S. Army, Spc. Daniel G. Dolan ~ 27 Aug 2006 ~ Iraq, LCpl Dion James Stephenson ~ 29 Jan 1991 ~ Iraq, LCpl. Cesar F. Machado-Olmos ~ 13 Sept 2004 ~ Iraq

Please read our blog for more details. www.honorandremember.org/blog.php


These flags are amazing. I love what you have done. I never really paid attention that they didn’t have anything for fallen soldiers until my husband was killed and I couldn’t believe it. This is truly amazing and thank you! Fountain, CO

Thank you so much for the personalized flag at the freedom run. It’s beautiful. I now need others that I will fly daily and on my motorcycle. Janet (mother) LCPL Sean P Maher. Grayslake, IL

I am a full-time police officer and a professional firearms instructor who trains a lot of our nation’s military and police personnel. I consider this an honor and I will give these items out to the soldiers and officers I come in contact with at my schools. I will also direct them to this site and encourage them to get involved and make a donation to help you with your cause. Thank you for the wonderful task you have chosen to take up. It’s a terrific way to pay tribute to those who have died for the freedoms that we enjoy everyday.
Collinsville, OK

I am interested in using our Troopwalk 2009 cross-country walk to help see that an “Honor and Remember” Flag gets flown on every administrative flag pole across the United States! God Bless You as you endure the loss of one of our country’s heroes – your son, Anthony – and God Bless You for considering thousands of others who also paid the ultimate price in defending our freedoms! May God also bless our men and women in uniform and bring them home to their loved ones as soon as possible! Phoenix, AZ

I lost my dad at Guadalcanal. I can’t wait to fly it. Kitty Hawk, NC

I lost my son, PFC Patrick Allen DeVoe II, on March 8, 2009. Thank you so much for honoring ALL OUR FALLEN HEROES. God Bless! Auburn, NY