Day 153 – Asheville, NC

November 7, 2010

Today I was scheduled at Trinity Baptist Church in Asheville. We had been planning this for months and I was warmly welcomed by the pastor and the congregation of over 1000. Trinity is very active in giving tribute to the military and today was a special military appreciation day. I was able to speak and share the mission not only to those in attendance but to a broadcast group of internet listeners and 52 military bases around the world. What a truly humbling opportunity which concluded with the presentation of a personalized flag to Darlene and George Houghton, Gold Star parents who lost their son Capt George-Bryan in 2009 due to an f16 accident. After the church service we went outside and dedicated a flagpole in George’s honor. Several other Gold Star families were in attendance and recognized today. A great great morning of tribute, fully embraced by all involved. Thanks to Jan for preparing for the leg of my journey.

We had a very warm and intimate lunch with the Houghtons and the Banks then I was on my way again on a 4 hour drive to Raleigh. Staying with Blue Star family the Fullers for the night.

Tomorrow: Ceremony at NC state capitol 10am, Ft Bragg 3pm.

Blessings, George