Day 152 – Asheville, NC

November 6, 2010

This morning I woke to solid ice in the birdbath, its cold up here. Five more days until Arlington. Hard to believe when I look over the breadth of the time and distance traveled. June 5th, five months ago I began this trek of remembrance, and it will soon come to an end. My mind cannot truly wrap around the accomplishment of it all. I had another unexpected blessing since yesterday’s post. Last night when the phone rang it was the Governor of South Carolina, Mark Sanford. He wanted to apologize for missing me in Columbia and thank me for the efforts and remembering Gold Star families. I was humbled that he had called me, and we had a very positive conversation. I think it would be legitimate of me to now say I have had direct contact with 19 heads of state. Another God moment.

I found out earlier this week that today is Military tribute day at the Clemson University football game. They will be honoring military families and will be flying the Honor and Remember Flag. I am continuously amazed at how the flag is being more visibly accepted. It is what we hope and work for but it still amazes me. Call and thank the athletic director and lets root for Clemson….. or NC state.

Headed back to Asheville for the evening and was privileged to share a meal with the Banks family and with Randy Ray. Randy lost his son Joe in Iraq and we have been speaking for over a year. His sister Jan Banks has been instrumental in presenting several personalized flags in the western NC area.  Great evening of food and fellowship.

Tomorrow: Presentation at Trinity Baptist in Asheville, 1030am. Carolina Panthers, flying the flag.

Blessings, George