Day 149 – Columbia, SC

November 3, 2010

This morning with an overcast sky and a cool blowing wind, the Patriot Guard/Rolling Thunder riders stood a flag line for what effectively was an emotional and  memorable ceremony.  Two Gold Star families were honored today at the bottom steps of a spectacular South Carolina Capitol backdrop.  I was able to share the message with a very receptive audience including family members, local news and supporters. Today we honored Mrs. Janet Williams whose husband was killed in the Beirut bombing in 1983 and Mrs. Jan Dunkin whose stepson was killed in Iraq in 2007. It was an amazing morning as we honored these American heroes. I cant thank the Riders enough for their support of these families, here and around the country. After the ceremony a letter was read from Senator Demint in support of our effort thanking us and the families for their sacrifice to our Nation.  See posted pictures.  i was able to spend some time talking to the families and learning more about their loved ones. As I’ve said my family continues to grow as I meet some of the most incredible folks on the planet.

Following the morning event I was taken to lunch by David and Jim McGehee, of Columbia Flag, at a small Bar-B-Q place outside the city. I was going to speak at a planning meeting for an upcoming annual Veteran’s ride. When we arrived, my time was cut out of the program due to time restraints because the newly elected SC governor was conducting a press conference right in the dining room. I have to tell you that this was a God moment. After the conference she headed in my direction and within minutes we were engaged in conversation. She then honored my mission by signing my pledge book. My team had tried for weeks to arrange a meeting for me with the sitting governor or the candidates, and now the day after the election I was able to meet with one of the newsworthy women of the day. These opportunities do not come by accident, and have been prevalent these many months. Each time I am more resolved that this is truly the right mission.

I spent a quiet dinner with a long time friend Chuck, professor at Benedict College, and then off for some much needed rest.

Tomorrow: Meeting with Joe Wilson and General Stan Spears.

Blessings, George