Day 146 – Atlanta, GA

October 31, 2010  Halloween

Today was another casual open day. There was no church opportunity. I have to say that it is difficult for a pastor to share pulpit time with me. Pastors who are not familiar with my message would have to break from their planned service to fit in an unknown. This is difficult on many levels but primarily they have no idea how long I would end up speaking. Ironic thing is that those pastors who have given me that opportunity have wished they would have given me even more time.  I certainly do wish that more church opportunities had opened up, but am extremely grateful for those which had.

Today Jason and I installed a set of brakes on his son’s car and then went to a sports restaurant and fellowshipped while watching football for the afternoon.  Had a quiet dinner and evening (greeting trick or treaters) and tomorrow head to a Blue Star families home as I move toward Columbia.

Tomorrow: Yet to reveal itself.

Blessings, George