Day 144 – Atlanta, GA

October 29, 2010

Headed back to the state capitol this morning for a scheduled ceremony. Blue star mom Cindy Wiley had planned the event and I was looking forward to bringing the message to Georgia. The ceremony opened beautifully on the inside steps of the capitol to amazing marble architecture with the National Guardsman posting colors, the pledge of allegiance and our national anthem.  I was able to speak intimately to the audience about the message and the journey. And of course bring tribute to three special mothers. Mrs O’neal and Mrs. Franklin who lost their sons in Vietnam and Mrs McSween who lost her son Adam in 2007, Iraq. This was followed by a flag presentation to the state being represented by Major General Britt, Adjutant. A very moving event which touched the lives of everyone in attendance. Mrs O’Neal mentioned particularly that it took 32 years for anyone to recognize that her son had been killed. It was my sincere honor to remember them all today specifically by name.

After the capitol I headed to a pre-arranged meeting at Chic-Fil-A headquarters. Chic-Fil-A in Virginia has been very supportive of Honor and Remember and I am hoping we can expand their interest across the country. It was a very successful meeting with a variety of brainstorming. Although Truitt Cathey was not in I did get a view of his office. More to follow up in the future.

On the way back to my host home I was flagged down by a motorist. My rear tire had completely disintegrated and was hanging by shards. After calling AAA, which I had signed up for before I left, I was back on the road. Of course it took nearly 3 hours and cost a whopping $300. Thank God I was safe.

Tomorrow: Open day

Blessings, George