Day 143 – Atlanta, GA

October 28, 2010

I drove the 200 miles from Montgomery to Atlanta today in time to meet Julie from CNN. She was interested in following some of my journey and producing a feature piece on the mission. After some extensive interviewing she hoped to put a lengthy piece together and get in on-air.  Please add your prayers to mine that they actually complete and broadcast the message.

I headed to the state capitol and with some precision parking in this very busy city went on a search to find some legislators. In a round about way I found Rep Yates who had co-sponsored Honor and Remember legislation last March. Mr Yates being a WWII fighter pilot was very welcoming and we discussed at length the status of patriotism today. He then took me to visit the House floor where we met a group of older generation veterans and I was able to actually share with them in the chamber. What an unexpected pleasure to share the message there and to a most welcoming crowd. These are the unexpected nuggets that brighten a day and strengthen the resolve of what I purpose to do.

Tonight I enjoyed the hospitality of the Estopinal family. Gold star parents who lost their son Jason in Afghanistan Feb 15, 2010.  God continues to bless me as I am able to meet such amazing people along this path.

Tomorrow: State Capitol ceremony 11am.

Blessings, George