Michael Reagan Partnership


For Immediate Release  – October 17, 2015

 Remembering America’s Fallen Military

National Partnership increases recognition for Families of our Military Fallen Heroes

 Chesapeake, Virginia –

The Honor and Remember organization is partnering with the Michael G. Reagan Portrait Foundation to provide a free custom portrait of Fallen Heroes from internationally acclaimed artist Michael Reagan to each qualifying family. The Michael G. Reagan Portrait Foundation provides one free portrait to those families who have lost a loved one due to the war on terror while Honor and Remember presents unique personalized flags. It is their goal to present these portraits and flags together at specific ceremonies.

“This is a perfect affiliation which will allow us to reach many more Gold Star families with respectful and honorable tributes. We will always be grateful for those who stand up for us and our freedom and will never forget those fallen heroes who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country,” said Michael Reagan, President of Michael G. Reagan Portrait Foundation.

Honor and Remember Founder George Lutz said, “Together we are able to bring additional elements of healing to many grieving families and let them know their loved ones are not forgotten.”

Honor and Remember, Inc, through its state chapter network, will partner with the Michael G. Reagan Portrait Foundation to present these hand drawn portraits at specific planned events along with hand sewn personalized flags, wherever possible.




About the Honor and Remember Flag

The Honor and Remember Flag was unveiled at a ceremony on Memorial Day, May 26, 2008. The mission of Honor and Remember is to create, establish and promote a nationally recognized flag that will fly continuously as a visible reminder to all Americans of the lives lost in defense of our national freedoms. The flag is meant to be a public symbol of appreciation that honors all military lives lost while serving since our nation’s inception.
Personalized flags are regularly presented to individual families of fallen service members. Each personalized flag contains the name, theater of operation and date of death of the individual. The flags are presented at both private and public occasions.
Honor and Remember, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.  For more information, please visit www.honorandremember.org.


About Michael G. Reagan Portrait Foundation
The mission is to honor the American Fallen Heroes for their ultimate sacrifice during the war against terrorism. The foundation will provide the resources to produce and distribute to each family a hand-drawn portrait of their Fallen Hero, created by artist Michael G. Reagan, free of charge. Each portrait is intended to show their Love and Respect for these Heroes and their families. Michael has to date created and sent to families more than 4,200 portraits of Fallen Heroes.  The Michael G. Reagan Portrait Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.  For more information, please visit www.fallenheroesproject.org.







33 car

Symbol of Sacrifice and Remembrance Will Appear on No. 33 Chevrolet SS at Richmond

Richmond, VA…April 20, 2015— Circle Sport and team owner Joe Falk are proud to announce a special partnership with the national non-profit organization, Honor and Remember, Inc., to promote the national symbol honoring all fallen service members and their families.  Alex Kennedy will pilot the No. 33 Honor and Remember Chevrolet SS featuring this emblem of remembrance during the April 25th NASCAR Sprint Cup Series race at Richmond International Raceway.

Honor and Remember was founded on Memorial Day 2008 to promote the adoption of a nationally-recognized flag to serve as a constant reminder of the brave men and women in uniform who made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation and to say thank you to the grieving families they left behind.

“We could not be more excited to play a major role in gaining more national awareness for this all-important symbol of service and sacrifice. And, we join the NASCAR community that has already recognized the importance of the Honor and Remember Flag to all Americans,” commented Falk.

Honor and Remember flags have flown at race tracks across the country and will be visibly prominent during the Coca-Cola 600 at Charlotte Motor Speedway on Memorial Day Weekend.

“We are truly humbled by Circle Sport’s willingness to help us in this noble cause,” states George Lutz, founder of Honor and Remember, whose son CPL George Anthony Lutz II was killed by a sniper’s bullet while on patrol in Fallujah, Iraq, in 2005.  “Having this message displayed on a NASCAR Sprint Cup car will raise tremendous awareness with millions of patriotic fans who understand the importance of honoring the fallen and supporting the families of these heroes.”

Lutz has traveled more than 30,000 miles to all 50 states in order to urge the display of the flag by governments, businesses and individuals.  Through the organization personalized versions of the flag have been presented to thousands of families who have lost a loved one in military service, regardless of generation.

To date, more than 20 states have either adopted the flag or endorsed its use.  Supporters of the flag can visit www.HonorandRemember.org to sign a petition in support of legislation which would make the flag a federally recognized, perpetual tribute to the lives lost in service to our country.

Honor and Remember Month of May Campaign

HR Month News Release 2 2 2015

Honor and Remember Month of May
Campaign Proposal

Men and women who have died in military service to America are the subject of a designated month of solemn ceremonies, special events and public recognition that encompasses all thirty-one days in May. The theme for America’s Honor and Remember Month of May is Honor Your Hometown Fallen Hero.

While memorial services with wreaths, speeches and bands are typical elements of the Memorial Day weekend, the day designated to honor our fallen has been overshadowed by many commercial and recreational pursuits. For the families who have endured the loss of a loved one to preserve the freedoms we enjoy as Americans, Memorial Day can be a hollow observance that seems to be more about cooking hot dogs than commemorating fallen heroes. Families of our nation’s fallen deserve more than the one day that has become for many nothing more than the start of summer or simply a long shopping weekend.

The celebration of America’s Honor and Remember Month seeks to put the emphasis where it belongs with Honor Your Hometown Fallen Hero. Each day in May will place a special emphasis on recognizing all military fallen heroes by encouraging organizations, corporations and the media to focus on these individual heroes from cities and towns across each state. For example, each year Honor and Remember Month in Virginia begins with the annual “Virginia Run for the Fallen,” a four-day, 250-mile tribute run featuring nearly 400 service member participants who will follow a course from Fort Story in Virginia Beach to Arlington National Cemetery.

“We would like to encourage every business, civic group, media outlet and neighborhood to do something special every day of the month to pay tribute to the men and women who gave all in defense of the freedoms we enjoy as Americans,” said George Lutz, founder of Honor and Remember, Inc. “This is an important opportunity for every citizen to take action and make a positive statement regarding the cost of liberty.” Families, friends and comrades of these service men and women will also be asked to contact their local media outlets and share positive stories about and photos of their fallen loved one in order to encourage the recognition of their sacrifice.

Honor and Remember, Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to establishing the Honor and Remember Flag, a tangible national symbol that was specifically created to express visual respect and gratitude for the generations of lives lost in defense of our freedoms and to the families they left behind.



Honor and Remember Month of May
Campaign Summary

Mission:  To enhance the solemn meaning of Memorial Day by calling attention to our military fallen and their families each day of the month of May.
Justification: For the families who have endured the loss of a loved one during military service, Memorial Day can be a hollow observance that has sadly become more about cooking hot dogs than commemorating fallen heroes.

Audience: All patriotic citizens.

Strategy: Create broad national awareness using social media, point of purchase items, hero tributes and flag displays, “flag flashes” and alternative creative outreach strategies.

Who is participating: corporations, civic organizations, media outlets, flag manufacturers, flag sellers, state and city governments, professional sports teams and individuals, celebrities, schools, churches and all other interested Americans.




Honor and Remember Month of May
Campaign Action Sheet

Everyone can do something special each day of the month to pay tribute to the men and women who gave all in defense of the freedoms we enjoy as Americans. This is a real opportunity for all grateful citizens to make a positive statement concerning the cost of liberty.

Ideas for “Honor and Remember Month” include:

* State and local Governments can issue proclamations designating May as Honor and Remember Month;

* Businesses can be invited to download pictures and a bio of local heroes and post them in the windows or on the walls of their establishment;

* Families, friends or comrades of these heroes can send stories about their loved ones to local media;

* Schools can ask students to write stories and draw pictures about their hometown heroes for display;

* Notices can be posted in company emails, newsletters and community bulletin boards;

* Television and radio stations can profile a different hero each day;

* Churches, sports teams, organizations and special events can honor a hero in many specific ways;

* Government representatives can read into the municipal record the names of the fallen in their area;

* Individuals can suggest and encourage public service announcements on local radio and cable stations;

* Everyone can print out a list of fallen heroes from the Internet and post their names every day on their social networking channels and encourage their friends and families to share them on their pages;

* Business owners can display the Honor and Remember Flag with a symbolism poster inside their lobby;

* Everyone with a flagpole can fly the Honor and Remember Flag;

*Alternative creative ideas to honor and remember.



GreatNonprofits.org Award is based on Positive Online Reviews

Chesapeake, VA, November 2014 –  Honor and Remember announced today that it has been honored with a prestigious 2014 op-Rated Award by GreatNonprofits, the leading provider of user reviews about nonprofit organizations.

We are excited to be named a Top-Rated 2014 Nonprofit,” says Laura Sutton, Public Relations Manager for Honor and Remember, Inc. We are proud of our accomplishments this year honoring our military fallen and their families, including outstanding partnerships with NASCAR, Frontier Communications, SpartanNash and others.

The Top-Rated Nonprofit award was based on the large number of positive reviews that Honor and Remember received – written by volunteers, donors and clients. People posted their personal experiences. For example, one person wrote, “Honor and Remember serves an important function in recognizing the dedication, commitment and ultimate sacrifice by those who served America in the US military. This recognition is vital in the healing process of those families who grieve the loss of a loved one in this service.”

While the Top-Rated Awards run through the end of the month, Honor and Remember was part of the inaugural group to qualify for the year. In addition, they have been added to GreatNonprofits #GivingTuesday Guide–an interactive guide to top nonprofits throughout the years. Look for this near the holidays.

“Savvy donors want to see the impact of their donations more than ever,” said Perla Ni, CEO of GreatNonprofits, “People with direct experience with Honor and Remember have voted that the organization is making a real difference.”

Being on the Top-Rated list gives donors and volunteers more confidence that this is a credible organization. The reviews by volunteers, clients and other donors show the on-the-ground effectiveness and results. This award is a form of recognition by supporters of Honor and Remember that they continue to fulfill their mission to perpetually recognize the sacrifice of America’s military fallen heroes and their families.

About GreatNonprofits

GreatNonprofits is the leading site for donors and volunteers to find reviews and ratings of nonprofits. Reviews on the site influence 30 million donation decisions a year. Visit www.greatnonprofits.org for more information.

NASCAR Remembers America’s Fallen Military


Military Fallen Heroes Recognized With Special Flag at Charlotte Motor Speedway

For Immediate Release – May 2014

Chesapeake, Virginia – While memorial services with wreaths and speeches are typical elements of the Memorial Day weekend, the day designated to honor fallen military members seems to be lost in the noise of many other pursuits. For the families who have endured the loss of a loved one to preserve the freedoms we enjoy as Americans, the weekend can be a hollow observance that seems to be more about cooking hot dogs than commemorating heroes.

Recognizing the importance of calling attention to the celebration of lives lost and to showing appreciation to the families with a positive message of thanks, a unique alliance is bringing the national spotlight to all of our nation’s military fallen and their families. NASCAR together with Honor and Remember, Inc. will create a powerful reminder of the high price of freedom by displaying specially prepared Honor and Remember flags representing each of our fifty states throughout the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series garage.

“We have the most patriotic fans in sports and it is a privilege to have this unique opportunity to send an important message across the country: We will always be grateful for those who stand up for us and our freedom and will never forget those fallen heroes who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country,” said Mike Helton, President of NASCAR.

Honor and Remember Founder George Lutz said, “Never before have we had such a significant platform to bring this national statement of thanks to all of our Gold Star families who have given everything. NASCAR is creating a means to reach millions with this important message.”

The state-specific Honor and Remember flags will be displayed at various locations around Charlotte Motor Speedway, including pit boxes and haulers. Each flag will have a specific personalization, such as “North Carolina Military Fallen Heroes,” as a call to remember generations of fallen heroes and their families in that state.

The special Honor and Remember flag display is part of NASCAR An American Salute, an annual industry-wide effort to collectively thank our nation’s military and their families for their service and sacrifice. Honor and Remember partners with NASCAR year-round to host and recognize Gold Star families at races throughout the country.

The Month of May is Designated “Honor and Remember Month”

Military Fallen Heroes Recognized With Special Events and Celebrations

 Chesapeake, VA, March 2014 – Men and women who have died in military service to America will be the subject of a month of solemn ceremonies, special events and public recognition that will begin with the annual “Virginia Run for the Fallen,” a four-day, 245-mile tribute run from Fort Story in Virginia Beach to Arlington National Cemetery.

“The time has come to do more than set one day a year aside to pay tribute to the men and women of our armed services who have given their lives for America and to recognize the life-changing loss experienced by their families,” said George Lutz, founder of Honor and Remember, an organization dedicated to the establishment of a national symbol of remembrance and to presenting this special tribute to every family that has lost a loved one in military service. “Memorial Day is an important holiday,” said Lutz, “but I believe Gold Star Families, (families of the fallen) deserve more than a day that has become for many just an extra day off from work for shopping and having a barbecue.”

In addition to the Virginia Run for the Fallen, which will take place from May 1 to May 4 (see separate news release), America’s Honor and Remember Month,  Honor your Hometown Hero, will place a special emphasis on recognizing all fallen military by encouraging the families, friends and comrades, across the country to contact their local media outlets and submit information about their loved one with the hope that the media will do something each day of the month to recognize the sacrifice of that individual life. Likewise, businesses will be encouraged to create a display containing photos and information about fallen heroes from their town or neighborhood.

“I’d like to see every business, civic group, media outlet and neighborhood do something special every day of the month to pay tribute to the men and women who gave all in defense of the freedoms we enjoy as Americans,” said Lutz. “This is a real opportunity for everyone to make a positive statement about the cost of liberty.”

Honor and Remember, Inc. is a non-profit organization established to promote the Honor and Remember Flag. “America does not currently have a tangible public symbol that is specifically dedicated to express respect and gratitude for the lives lost in defense of our freedoms,” said Lutz. “The Honor and Remember Flag fills that void.”

About the Honor and Remember Flag

             The Honor and Remember Flag was unveiled at a ceremony on Memorial Day, May 26, 2008, at the MacArthur Memorial Museum in downtown Norfolk, Virginia. The mission of Honor and Remember is to create, establish and promote a nationally recognized flag that will fly continuously as a visible reminder to all Americans of the lives lost in defense of our national freedoms. The flag honors all military lives lost from our nation’s inception, not only in action but also as a result of serving.

Personalized flags are regularly presented to individual families of fallen service members. Each personalized flag contains the name, theater of operation and date of death of the individual. The flags are presented at both private and public occasions.

Honor and Remember, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.  For more information, please visit www.honorandremember.org.

The Month of May is Designated “Honor and Remember Month”

Military Fallen Heroes Recognized With Special Events and Celebrations

 Chesapeake, VA. – Men and women who have died in military service to America will be the subject of a month of solemn ceremonies, special events and public recognition that will begin with the first annual “Virginia Run for the Fallen,” a four-day, 236-mile tribute run from Fort Story in Virginia Beach to Arlington National Cemetery.

“The time has come to do more than set one day a year aside to pay tribute to the men and women of our armed services who have given their lives for America and to recognize the life-changing loss experienced by their families,” said George Lutz, founder of Honor and Remember, an organization dedicated to the establishment of a national symbol of remembrance and to presenting this special tribute to every family that has lost a loved one in military service. “Memorial Day is an important holiday,” said Lutz, “but I believe Gold Star Families, (families of the fallen) deserve more than a day that has become for many just an extra day off from work for shopping and having a barbecue.”

In addition to the Virginia Run for the Fallen, which will take place from May 2 to May 5 (see separate news release), America’s Honor and Remember Month, Honor your Hometown Hero, will place a special emphasis on recognizing all fallen military heroes by encouraging the families, friends and comrades of the fallen, across the country to contact their local media outlets and submit information about their loved one with the hope that the media will do something each day of the month to recognize the sacrifice of that individual life. Likewise, businesses will be encouraged to create a display containing photos and information about fallen heroes from their town or neighborhood.

“I’d like to see every business, civic group, media outlet and neighborhood do something special every day of the month to pay tribute to the men and women who gave all in defense of the freedoms we enjoy as Americans,” said Lutz. “This is a real opportunity for everyone to make a positive statement about the cost of liberty.”

Honor and Remember, Inc. is a non-profit organization established to promote the Honor and Remember Flag. “America does not currently have a tangible national symbol that is specifically dedicated to express respect and gratitude for the lives lost in defense of our freedoms,” said Lutz. “The Honor and Remember Flag fills that void.”

About the Honor and Remember Flag

             The Honor and Remember Flag was unveiled at a ceremony on Memorial Day, May 26, 2008, at the MacArthur Memorial Museum in downtown Norfolk, Virginia. The mission of Honor and Remember is to create, establish and promote a nationally recognized flag that will fly continuously as a visible reminder to all Americans of the lives lost in defense of our national freedoms. The flag honors all military lives lost from our nation’s inception, not only in action but also as a result of serving.

Personalized flags are regularly presented to individual families of fallen service members. Each personalized flag contains the name, theater of operation and date of death of the individual. The flags are presented at both private and public occasions.

Honor and Remember, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.  For more information, please visit www.honorandremember.org.


Herd Racing Brings Honor and Remember to Professional Boat Racing Series

National Symbol of Sacrifice and Remembrance Will Appear on Tunnel Boats in 2013

Chesapeake, VA, January 20: Herd Racing will fly the Honor and Remember flag on it’s tunnel boats in 2013, the third consecutive year that the professional boat racing program will support the effort to establish an official national symbol to recognize those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms, both parties announced today.

“We are humbled that Herd Racing has once again embraced the Honor and Remember Flag showing public appreciation to our nation’s fallen and their families” said Honor and Remember founder George Lutz.

Dana Tomes, president of Herd Racing, said “the team began carrying the Honor and Remember flag decal on it’s racing boats in 2011.  To date, more than 800,000 people have seen the flag on the team’s boats and more than 50 million have viewed the flag through the televising of the race events. “We are honored to be able to play a small role in helping promote what Honor and Remember stands for,” Tomes said.  “Any exposure we can help generate for the organization is a plus.  Every state should adopt the Honor and Remember flag and fly it proudly.  That’s our unified goal!”

The tunnel boat team will carry a one-foot tall Honor and Remember flag decal on it’s race boats during the team’s 2013 race season.  The team races in front of more than 400,000 people live and is seen on television by more than 25 million people per season.

The mission of Honor and Remember is to create, establish and promote a nationally recognized flag that would fly continuously as a visible reminder to all Americans of the lives lost in defense of our national freedoms. All Military lives lost not only in action but also while serving, from our nation’s inception. In our over 200 year history there has never been an official national public symbol that specifically recognizes in gratitude and respect the ultimate sacrifice made by members of the United States military in service to our nation. The Honor and Remember Flag was created for that purpose.

To date, 14 U.S. states have adopted the Honor and Remember flag.  Legislation is working in other state governments to have the flag recognized and adopted, as well as a current national congressional bill.

About Herd Racing

Herd Racing is a professional powerboat racing team based in Huntington, WV.  The team competes in race events across the United States each year in front of more than 400,000 fans in person and it’s races are seen by more than 25 million people annually on regional television networks.  The team, founded in 2008, finished third in the 2012 APR Superleague’s Formula 2 national tour points standings.

About Honor and Remember, Inc

After the death of his eldest son Tony in Iraq, Gold Star father George Lutz recognized the need to educate the nation on the precious cost of freedom. His mission became raising awareness about the sacrifice made by military men and women who died for their country, through the creation and establishment of a distinct and tangible symbol. The Honor and Remember Flag was unveiled nationally on Memorial Day 2008 to perpetually recognize the sacrifice of our fallen military heroes and their families. The flag is now being endorsed by veteran and service organizations and adopted by cities and states.  And it is being flown by patriotic Americans across our nation and is fast becoming a nationally accepted symbol of remembrance.  You can learn more and sign the petition to support this campaign by visiting www.honorandremember.org

Honor and Remember Joins BeBe Winans in Effort to Bring National Appreciation to Fallen Military and Their Families

Symbol Of Sacrifice And Remembrance Being Recognized In
Winans’ Song “Ultimate Sacrifice” Honoring Fallen Service Members 

VEVO (version 1) http://vevo.ly/UC8J5I
YouTube (version 2) http://youtu.be/z5l27kJxJow

Chesapeake, VA  ( November 12, 2012) — Honor and Remember, Inc. is humbled to announce an inspirational alliance that will touch the hearts of millions, in appreciation of those who have given all to preserve our freedom. On Veterans Day, Monday, November 12, 2012 legendary recording artist BeBe Winans  will release a new tribute music video(s) produced for his unforgettable song, “Ultimate Sacrifice.” Working with families across the nation, who have lost loved ones in military service, Honor and Remember has received over one hundred photos that were used throughout these stunning musical tributes.  Due to the overwhelming response from the families, and to include everyone, two separate videos were produced.  It is our hope that these brave heroes will represent to Americans the thousands of lives that have given the ultimate sacrifice and remind us all of the families they have left behind.

BeBe Winans recently returned from a seven day tour of several bases throughout Kuwait, performing for the servicemen and women stationed there, and participating in base activities, such as Command visits, walking tours, and autograph and photos sessions.  This is the second Middle East trip for Winans, who has always been an avid supporter of our troops. “We can never give enough thanks to those who place their lives on the line, making the ultimate sacrifice, nor to the families they leave behind forever grieving”, says BeBe.  “The meaning and purpose of Honor and Remember, fits perfectly into this tribute which directly affects every American. “

“BeBe has written a tremendous song that speaks directly to our mission of public appreciation of sacrifice. It is our hope that millions of Americans will be touched by this inspirational message and find their own ways of being thankful for the sacrifice that has preserved our freedom.“  said George Lutz/Founder, Honor and Remember.

BeBe Winans’ new video release “Ultimate Sacrifice” will debut online Veterans Day, Monday, November 12 on VEVO and YouTube.


– MORE –

BeBe Winans

Critically acclaimed inspirational, R&B and gospel vocalist  BeBe Winans has recently released his new album America America on Razor & Tie. The music video for “America America” also debued on VH1 Soul and Centric TV. Winans has promoted his new album with appearances at Mayor Bloomberg’s Fleet Week Breakfast in NYC, Access Hollywood, CNN Showbiz Tonight, Entertainment Tonight, The Better Show, NYC’s NBC News, Fox Good Day LA, Good Morning America, a special edition CD sold on QVC, and an exclusive concert/Centric TV Special and more.

America America, Winans’ seventh solo release, for which he has been nominated for a Soul Train Award in the category of Best Gospel/Inspirational Performance, is comprised of nine classic songs. “The inspiration for America America is the time we are living in,” Winans explains.  “Sometimes, we forget that we are all Americans.  At sporting events, when the national anthem is sung, everyone stands – black, white, rich, poor – everyone.” The album includes standards such as “America The Beautiful,” “Lift Every Voice,” and “The Star Spangled Banner,” and three new songs written by Winans for the album including the beautifully hopeful title track and first single, “America America”, the upbeat “We’re The United States of America,” and the poignant “Ultimate Sacrifice,” dedicated to our fallen troops.

About Honor and Remember, Inc.

After the death of his eldest son, Tony, in Iraq, Gold Star father George Lutz recognized the need to educate the nation about the precious cost of freedom. His mission became raising awareness about the sacrifice made by military men and women who died for their country through the creation and establishment of a distinct and tangible symbol. The Honor and Remember Flag was unveiled nationally on Memorial Day 2008 to perpetually recognize the sacrifice of our fallen military heroes and their families. The flag is now being endorsed by veteran and service organizations and adopted by cities and states.  And it is being flown by patriotic Americans across our nation and is fast becoming a nationally accepted symbol of remembrance. One of our major goals is the presentation of personalized Honor and Remember Flags to individual families of every military fallen hero.  Hundreds of Honor and Remember Flags have already been presented, across the United States, to the families who have lost loved ones in military conflicts, over many generations.  Additionally, more than 20 states have either adopted the flag or endorsed its use.  Visit www.HonorandRemember.org for more information.

MEDIA CONTACT:  Crystal Cameron, Honor and Remember, Inc: cryscameron@gmail.com
For BeBe Winans: Kerri Brusca, Razor & Tie: kbrusca@razorandtie.com

Honor and Remember on the #81 of Jason Bowles this Weekend at Phoenix International Raceway for Veteran’s Day

MacDonald Motorsports Press Release“New symbol of sacrifice and remembrance will appear on MacDonald Motorsports No. 81 hood in recognition of Veteran’s Day”

(MOORESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA) November 8, 2012 – MacDonald Motorsports is proud to announce that Honor and Remember will be prominently displayed on the hood of the #81 for Jason Bowles this weekend at Phoenix International Raceway.  Honor and Remember is a national non-profit organization that aims to establish a tangible national symbol of gratitude as a visible public reminder to all Americans to recognize the sacrifice of our military fallen heroes and their families.

 “MacDonald Motorsports has consistently given tribute this year to our nations gold star families,” explained Honor and Remember founder, George Lutz.  “It is very appropriate that this Veteran’s Day they continue to remember our fallen military heroes.”

 Lutz has traveled more than 25,000 miles to all 50 states in order to urge the display of the flag by governments, businesses and individuals.  He has delivered personalized versions of the flag to hundreds of families who have lost a loved one in military service, regardless of generation.

 To date, more than 20 states have either adopted the flag or endorsed its use.  Supporters of the flag can visit www.HonorandRemember.org to sign a petition urging lawmakers in Washington to support H.R. 546, which would make the flag a federally recognized, perpetual tribute to the lives lost in service to our country

 That flag will be displayed prominently on the hood of the #81 this weekend for the Great Clips 200 at Phoenix.

 Watch the race…..Fans can catch the Great Clips 200 from Phoenix International Raceway this Saturday at 3:30PM ET.  The race can be seen live on ESPN.

 Follow Jason Bowles on Social Media…..Keep up with everything that Jason is doing by following him on twitter @bowlesjason.  Fans can also follow the race team on twitter @mms81_pr.

 Follow Honor and Remember…..Fans can learn more about this great organization at www.HonorandRemember.org and on facebook and twitter @HonorRemember.

 MacDonald Motorsports

MacDonald Motorsports Owner Randy MacDonald has been around the NASCAR circles since 1985, when he began his own racing career with the loving support of his father “Doc” and his mother Pat MacDonald.  As a NASCAR driver, Randy was successful in making it all the way to the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series.  The MacDonald family became NASCAR team owners in 1986 and have fielded cars in all three of NASCAR’s elite series following faith based principles. MacDonald Motorsports focuses on assisting our sponsors with strategically increasing the overall awareness of corporate messaging or brand recognition by consistently articulating the message to be delivered through motorsports. MacDonald Motorsports offers drivers opportunities to gain experience from grass roots all the way through the elite series of NASCAR.

 About Honor and Remember, Inc

After the death of his eldest son Tony in Iraq, Gold Star father George Lutz recognized the need to educate the nation on the precious cost of freedom. His mission became raising awareness about the sacrifice made by military men and women who died for their country, through the creation and establishment of a distinct and tangible symbol. The Honor and Remember Flag was unveiled nationally on Memorial Day 2008 to perpetually recognize the sacrifice of our fallen military heroes and their families. The flag is now being endorsed by veteran and service organizations and adopted by cities and states.  And it is being flown by patriotic Americans across our nation and is fast becoming a nationally accepted symbol of remembrance.  

 CONTACT: Shawn Meekhof  (616) 430-0537
MacDonald Motorsports: 223 Rolling Hills Rd. Mooresville, NC 28117
Email: shawn.meekhof@gmail.com

Honor and Remember Launches Major Fundraising Campaign

 Proceeds from Letterbox Sales to Benefit Honor and Remember Mission

Chesapeake, VA (Thursday, October 18, 2012) – Honor and Remember, Inc. is teaming with The Dreifa™ Initiative for a major fundraising initiative. Proceeds from the Honor and Remember Letterbox campaign will help support its mission of establishing an official national symbol of remembrance for our fallen heroes and their families by bringing tribute to the men and women from all generations who gave their lives in military service to the United States.

Gold Star Father George Lutz, founder of Honor and Remember, lost his son Tony in Iraq in 2005. Three years later, he began a national journey to ensure that no American service member who has paid the ultimate price is ever forgotten.  Mr. Lutz has made it his lifelong mission to encourage lawmakers to implement The Honor and Remember Flag as an official national symbol of remembrance. In America’s history, there has never been a national symbol that recognizes the ultimate sacrifice made by members of our military. The Honor and Remember Flag was created for that purpose.

Mr. Lutz has crisscrossed the country, travelling nearly 30,000 miles, meeting with legislators in all 50 states to make this happen. Thanks to his steadfast commitment, The Honor and Remember Flag is now official in 14 states.

Proceeds from the Honor and Remember Letterbox Campaign will help:

  • Fund the Honor and Remember mission
  • Facilitate the adoption of the Honor and Remember symbol as a national flag
  • Provide flags for all families who have lost loved ones in the military to preserve our freedoms
  • Educate our youth about the cost of freedom

Lutz remarked, “This is a wonderful opportunity to give a classic gift to someone special and help us continue our mission of recognizing the sacrifice of our fallen military heroes and their families by establishing the Honor and Remember Flag and presenting every Gold Star Family a personalized tribute as a public expression of appreciation.”

The beautiful Honor and Remember embossed Letterbox is perfect for storing treasured correspondence and preserving memories.  The letterbox comes with 15 elegant note cards and complimenting foil-lined, textured envelopes. There are four in the series of collectible designs, and are the perfect place for preserving cherished letters and mementos.


About The Dreifa Initiative

 Dreifa™ designs, manufactures and sells the highest quality signature letterboxes, note cards and envelopes with a diverse array of liners. The Dreifa™ mission is to preserve note writing as a cultural norm, provide the place for keeping treasured notes and cards, showcase local talent through the use of their work in the design of its note cards and give back to the community through contributing to non-profits from each Dreifa™ sale.  To learn more, please visit www.dreifa.org.

About Honor and Remember, Inc.®

After the death of his eldest son, Tony, in Iraq, Gold Star father George Lutz recognized the need to educate the nation about the precious cost of freedom. His mission became raising awareness about the sacrifice made by military men and women who died for their country through the creation and establishment of a distinct and tangible symbol. The Honor and Remember Flag was unveiled nationally on Memorial Day 2008 to perpetually recognize the sacrifice of our fallen military heroes and their families. The flag is now being endorsed by veteran and service organizations and adopted by cities and states.  And it is being flown by patriotic Americans across our nation and is fast becoming a nationally accepted symbol of remembrance. One of our major goals is the presentation of personalized Honor and Remember Flags to individual families of every military fallen hero.  Hundreds of Honor and Remember Flags have already been presented across the USA to the families who have lost loved ones in military conflicts over many generations.  Additionally, more than 20 states have either adopted the flag or endorsed its use.  For more information, please visit www.HonorandRemember.org.




Symbol of Sacrifice and Remembrance being recognized in
recovery and repatriation of missing service members.


Chesapeake, VA — Honor and Remember, Inc. is proud to announce an important milestone in its mission to publicly remember generations of our nation’s fallen service members.  Beginning August 21st, 2012 The Honor and Remember Flag will be included as a symbol of tribute in the combined efforts of North South Polar, Inc (NSP) and The American Fallen Veteran’s Foundation (AFVF) to locate and repatriate the remains of three missing WWII service members.  At the request of the US Department of Defense Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command (JPAC), NSP will provide a highly specialized team to confirm the Southeast Greenland crash location of the J2F-4 Grumman “Duck” biplane and recover (2) US Coast Guard and (1) US Army Air Corps aircrew Missing In Action (MIA) from up to 50 feet below the surface of the ice sheet. The (3) MIA air crewmen were killed November 29, 1942 while performing rescue operations for a downed B-17 just 30 miles from the Lost Squadron site.

“The North South Polar project and American Fallen Veterans Foundation formally embrace the meaning and purpose of Honor and Remember, which fits perfectly into our recovery mission and goal,” said Lou Sapienza, CEO/Mission Lead of the project.

“It is our hope to bring individual recognition of sacrifice to every fallen service member regardless of generation, this alliance allows us to touch the lives of MIA families who have been waiting decades for news of their loved ones“.  said founder George Lutz

The North South Polar team will depart Trenton/Mercer Airport (NJ) on 8/21 at approximately 10:00am via Coast Guard C-130 en route to Greenland via Keflavik Iceland to search for and likely recover Lt. John Pritchard, RM1/c Benjamin Bottoms and CPL Loren Howarth and their J2F-4 Amphibious biplane that crashed during a search and rescue operation on 29 Nov 1942. All are invited to attend the C-130 load-in beginning at 08:30am at the Ronson Aviation FBO.


About North South Polar, Inc. (NSP)

North South Polar, (NSP) an extraordinary team of preeminent explorers, scientists and specialists, are global experts for the most difficult recovery missions in the most challenging environments on earth. North South Polar contributes to important knowledge about climate and the polar environment, and sea level change. Working with the US Department of Defense (DOD), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the National Science Foundation (NSF), the US Geological Survey (USGS) and New York University, Columbia University and other leading government and international academic bodies, North South Polar provides both a needed platform for scientific work as well as the technical innovations necessary to collect information for understanding our changing world. For more information visit www.nspolar.us

About the Fallen American Veteran’s Foundation (FAVF)

The mission of the Fallen American Veterans Foundation is to be the first comprehensive, nationwide charitable entity concerned with the patriotic story and solemn recovery of every MIA: educating the public about our fallen, giving voice to the families of the fallen, helping to underwrite the cost of recoveries and providing technical assistance for the most challenging recovery efforts. The Foundation will also serve as a clearinghouse to aid and support the many groups seeking the recovery of our missing and fallen service personnel.
For more information visit www.favf.us

About Honor and Remember, Inc.

After the death of his eldest son, Tony, in Iraq, Gold Star father George Lutz recognized the need to educate the nation about the precious cost of freedom. His mission became raising awareness about the sacrifice made by military men and women who died for their country through the creation and establishment of a distinct and tangible symbol. The Honor and Remember Flag was unveiled nationally on Memorial Day 2008 to perpetually recognize the sacrifice of our fallen military heroes and their families. The flag is now being endorsed by veteran and service organizations and adopted by cities and states.  And it is being flown by patriotic Americans across our nation and is fast becoming a nationally accepted symbol of remembrance. One of their major goals is the presentation of personalized Honor and Remember Flags to individual families of every military fallen hero.  Hundreds of Honor and Remember Flags have already been presented across the United States to the Gold Star Families who have lost loved ones in military while serving or as a result of serving, over every generation.  Additionally, more than 20 states have either adopted the flag or endorsed its use.
Visit www.HonorandRemember.org for more information.


New Symbol of Sacrifice and Remembrance Will Be Presented at National Congress of the Society of the Sons of the American Revolution


Phoenix, AZ — Honor and Remember, Inc. is proud to announce for the first time since its establishment the presentation of a personalized Honor and Remember Flag in tribute to a hero of the American Revolutionary War.  The presentation will be made on July 9 to Dr. Louis Newton, a descendant of CPT John Chilton, killed September 11, 1777 at the battle of Brandywine.  CPT Chilton is well known to historians for his detailed descriptions of what Revolutionary War soldiers were experiencing in war.

Hundreds of Honor and Remember Flags have already been presented across the USA to the families who have lost loved ones in military conflicts over many generations.  “Since Honor and Remember was established as a national symbol of remembrance, recognizing sacrifice in all wars and all branches of service, we believed it was time to begin reaching back to honor heroes from our nation’s beginning,“ said founder George Lutz

“The NSSAR officially endorsed the efforts of Honor and Remember in 2010 and knowing that their primary focus is on current wars, we are honored that one of our members is being honored publicly in this unique way,” said Dr. Rudy Byrd, Arizona SAR president.

The tribute will take place at the National Society SAR Annual Congress in Phoenix, Arizona, Monday July 9th at 9 a.m. at the Arizona Biltmore at 2400 East Missouri Avenue in Phoenix. Lutz, who will personally make the presentation, has traveled more than 29,000 miles to all 50 states in order to urge the display of the flag by governments, businesses and individuals.  He has delivered personalized versions of the flag to hundreds of families who have lost a loved one in military service.

In March 2012, the state of Arizona officially adopted the Honor and Remember Flag as its symbol of sacrifice and will fly it at every occurrence of an Arizona casualty. To date, more than 20 states have either adopted the flag or endorsed its purpose.  Visit www.HonorandRemember.org for more information.


About the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution (NSSAR)

The Sons of the American Revolution is the leading male lineage society that perpetuates the ideals of the war for independence.  As a historical, educational, and patriotic, non-profit corporation organized under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, we seek to maintain and expand the meaning of patriotism, respect for our national symbols, the value of American citizenship, and the unifying force of “e pluribus unum” that was created from the people of many nations — one nation and one people.

The SAR was conceived as a fraternal and civic society composed of lineal descendants of the men who wintered at Valley Forge, signed the Declaration of Independence, fought in the battles of the American Revolution, served in the Continental Congress, or otherwise supported the cause of American Independence. The National Society was chartered by an Act of the United States Congress on June 9, 1906. The charter was signed by President Theodore Roosevelt, who was a member of the SAR. The charter authorizes the granting of charters to societies of the various states and territories and authorizes the state societies to charter chapters within their borders. Federal Legislation that established a federal charter for the National Society SAR. For more information visit www.sar.org

About Honor and Remember, Inc.

After the death of his eldest son, Tony, in Iraq, Gold Star father George Lutz recognized the need to educate the nation about the precious cost of freedom. His mission became raising awareness about the sacrifice made by military men and women who died for their country through the creation and establishment of a distinct and tangible symbol. The Honor and Remember Flag was unveiled nationally on Memorial Day 2008 to perpetually recognize the sacrifice of our fallen military heroes and their families. The flag is now being endorsed by veteran and service organizations and adopted by cities and states.  And it is being flown by patriotic Americans across our nation and is fast becoming a nationally accepted symbol of remembrance. One of our major goals is the presentation of personalized Honor and Remember Flags to individual families of our military fallen heroes. Visit www.HonorandRemember.org for more information.



New Symbol of Sacrifice and Remembrance Will Appear
on American Majority, MacDonald Motorsports #81


Bristol, TN…March 15, 2012— American Majority, sponsor of driver Jason Bowles and MacDonald Motorsports #81 Nationwide Series car, is proud to announce a special partnership with the national non-profit organization, Honor and Remember, Inc. to promote a new national symbol honoring our fallen service members.  The American Majority/MacDonald Motorsports Nationwide car #81 will feature this new emblem of remembrance throughout the 2012 season.
Honor and Remember was founded on Memorial Day 2008 to promote the adoption of a new, nationally-recognized flag to serve as a constant reminder of the brave men and women in uniform who made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation.

“American Majority’s NASCAR program this season is about encouraging all Americans to help Keep America Free,” states Ned Ryun, President of American Majority, a leading national conservative grassroots training organization.  “No group of Americans has exemplified that spirit more than our service members who gave their lives for our freedom.  It is a privilege for us to help promote this new symbol of American courage and sacrifice.”

Honor and Remember flags will also fly as part of the American Majority #81 booth at Bristol this weekend and at more than a dozen tracks across the country as part of their national Pledge to Vote initiative.

“I am truly humbled by American Majority’s willingness to help us in this noble cause,” states George Lutz founder of Honor and Remember, whose son George Anthony Lutz II was killed by a sniper’s bullet while on patrol in Fallujah, Iraq in 2005.  “Having this emblem displayed on a NASCAR race car will help raise awareness with millions of patriotic fans who understand the importance of honoring the fallen and supporting our Gold Star families.”

Lutz has traveled more than 25,000 miles to all 50 states in order to urge the display of the flag by governments, businesses and individuals.  He has delivered personalized versions of the flag to hundreds of families who have lost a loved one in military service, regardless of generation.

To date, more than 20 states have either adopted the flag or endorsed its use.  Supporters of the flag can visit www.HonorandRemember.org to sign a petition urging lawmakers in Washington to support H.R. 546, which would make the flag a federally recognized, perpetual tribute to the lives lost in service to our country.

About American Majority
American Majority is the leading developer of the nation’s new 21st century conservative grassroots political infrastructure.  The organization uses its cutting edge curriculum to empower individuals and organizations with the most effective tools to promote liberty through limited government.  American Majority trains thousands of activists and candidates each year in communities across the country to be catalysts for authentic change in government.  The non-profit, non-partisan organization is dedicated to developing a new generation of American elected and opinion leadership that will reject the self-destructive policies associated with government expansion and promote those that will lead to growth and success.

About American Majority Racing
American Majority Racing is a national program of American Majority, the nation’s leading conservative grassroots training organization.  The program is designed to target millions of NASCAR fans from all political backgrounds in an unprecedented effort to engage them in the electoral process.  Having teamed up with NASCAR driver Jason Bowles and car #81 MacDonald Motorsports for the 2012 NASCAR Nationwide Series racing season, the American Majority Racing program is designed to educate Americans about how smaller government and less spending will “Keep America Free.”  Through www.PledgetoVote.com, American Majority Racing encourages all Americans to register and vote in the 2012 elections.

About Honor and Remember, Inc
After the death of his eldest son Tony in Iraq, Gold Star father George Lutz recognized the need to educate the nation on the precious cost of freedom. His mission became raising awareness about the sacrifice made by military men and women who died for their country, through the creation and establishment of a distinct and tangible symbol. The Honor and Remember Flag was unveiled nationally on Memorial Day 2008 to perpetually recognize the sacrifice of our fallen military heroes and their families. The flag is now being endorsed by veteran and service organizations and adopted by cities and states.  And it is being flown by patriotic Americans across our nation and is fast becoming a nationally accepted symbol of remembrance.

About MacDonald Motorsports
MacDonald Motorsports Owner Randy MacDonald has been around the NASCAR circles since 1985, when he began his own racing career with the loving support of his father “Doc” and his mother Pat MacDonald. As a NASCAR driver, Randy was successful in making it all the way to the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series. The MacDonald family became NASCAR team owners in 1986 and have fielded cars in the NASCAR K&N Series, NASCAR Camping World Truck Series, NASCAR Nationwide Series and the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series.  MacDonald Motorsports is a Christian based race team focused on the growth and development of young drivers offering opportunities to gain experience from grass roots all the way through the elite series of NASCAR.


National Flag Movements Takes its Message to the Halls of Congress


For Immediate Release
January 28, 2011


Honor and Remember Founder Will Visit Every Member of
Congress to Rally Support for Establishing a New National Symbol

WASHINGTON, DC – After traveling over 25,000 miles through 50 states, one would think it would be time to rest. For George Lutz, this is not at all the case. Following a five-month, cross-country campaign to promote the Honor and Remember Flag as a new national symbol, Lutz, is on his way to Capitol Hill. As the father of a beloved fallen soldier and the flag’s creator, Lutz plans to meet with every member of the United States House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate to enlist each legislator’s support for a bill that will make the flag, which honors individuals who died in military service to America, an official emblem of the United States.

“After traveling to every state in our nation and meeting with governors and other elected officials, representatives from a broad spectrum of military veteran’s organizations, active duty service members and hundreds of Gold Star families, I am amazed at the enthusiastic support the Honor and Remember Flag has received,” said Lutz. “In the coming weeks, I plan to stay in the nation’s capital and ask every Washington politician I meet to pledge his or her support for The Honor and Remember Flag Recognition Bill, which calls for the Honor and Remember Flag to be adopted as a national symbol.”

Honor and Remember, Inc. was founded on Memorial Day 2008 to promote the flag and deliver personalized versions of it to families who have lost a loved one in military service, regardless of generation. Each personalized flag is emblazoned with the family member’s name, date of death and place of death. Lutz has presented flags to families of service members from World War II to Afghanistan.

“America needs a tangible symbol that specifically honors the sacrifice of men and women in the United States Armed Forces who have given their lives for their country,” said Lutz. “The Honor and Remember Flag was created to fly at federal, state and municipal buildings, schools, businesses and homes as a continuous reminder of the price our nation has paid over two centuries for the freedoms we cherish as Americans.”

While in Washington DC, Lutz will ask each legislator he meets to sign a pledge that reads:
In the more than 200 years of our nation’s history there has never been an officially recognized symbol that reminds us daily of the ultimate sacrifice made by members of our military who lost their lives in service to America and that affords us a means to express our gratitude to the families who endure that sacrifice. The Honor and Remember Flag is intended to serve as a national emblem for that purpose. The flag recognizes all military individuals from all wars or conflicts involving the United States who died while serving, or as a result of serving, since our nation’s inception.

It is my desire to see the Honor and Remember Flag adopted as a nationally recognized symbol of remembrance. And I promise to support the federal legislation that will make the Honor and Remember Flag an official emblem of the United States of America “Perpetually Recognizing the Sacrifice of Our Military Fallen Heroes and Their Families”

On December 29, 2005, George Anthony Lutz II (Tony) was killed by a sniper’s bullet while he was on patrol in Fallujah, Iraq. His family and friends endured the shock, emotional agony and overwhelming loss that accompanied the news of Tony’s death, just like the many families who have suffered the same tragedy. In the months that followed Tony’s funeral, his father, George, visited other families who had lost loved ones in the Iraq war. He began to sense that he had joined the ranks of a unique fellowship. These families were only the latest additions to a group that originated with the American Revolution, when the first soldiers to shed their blood for our freedom gave their lives.

George found another commonality among the families of fallen soldiers. After their grief had transitioned to numbness and finally to acceptance, many families wanted to know two things: that their sacrifice was not in vain and that the nation would never forget. These concerns led George on a quest to discover if there was a universally recognized symbol that specifically acknowledges the American service men and women who never made it home. To his surprise, he found nothing. Thus the Honor and Remember Flag was conceived. Honor and Remember, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.

The Honor and Remember Flag has been endorsed by the American Gold Star Mothers, Inc., The Gold Star Wives of America, the Blue Star Mothers of America, the Vietnam Veterans of America, the Fleet Reserve Association, the Military Officers Association of America, the Associations of the US Army, Navy and Air Force, the Air Force Security Forces Association and the Naval Reserve Association among many other organizations. The flag has already been adopted as an official state symbol by Delaware, Virginia, North Carolina and Oklahoma; legislation is also pending in many others. More information can be found at www.HonorandRemember.org

Mr. Lutz goes to Washington

Feb – March 2011

Goal: Meetings with all 535 elected officials. U.S. Congress and U.S. Senate.

Please contact your Representatives and help us arrange meetings in DC.

This will be the year for Honor and Remember federal adoption


NEWS RELEASE – May 17, 2010

Honor and Remember Founder Will Visit 50 State Capitals in Five Months

VIRGINIA BEACH, Virginia – Honor and Remember, Inc., an organization founded on Memorial Day 2008 to promote a new national symbol honoring all those who died in military service to America, will visit 50 state capitals on a mission to gain national awareness for the Honor and Remember Flag and to present families of the fallen in each state with personalized flags.

“Honor and Remember Across America” will take founder George Lutz from Virginia Beach, Virginia, in a special RV on a circuitous route across the country to promote the passage of U.S. House of Representatives bill HR 1034, which authorizes the Honor and Remember Flag to be made a national symbol. Stopping at each state capital, Lutz will meet with local, state and federal political leaders seeking their endorsement for both state and federal recognition of the flag. At each stop he will also spend time with families who have lost a loved one in military service and as funds allow present many with a flag emblazoned with the name, date of death and place of death of their family member.

“America needs a tangible symbol that specifically honors the sacrifice of men and women in the United States Armed Forces who have given their lives for their country,” said Lutz.  “The Honor and Remember Flag was created to fly at federal, state and municipal buildings, schools, businesses and homes as a continuous reminder of the price our nation has paid over two centuries for the freedoms we cherish as Americans.”

On Saturday, June 5th there will be a short ceremony initiating the campaign.  Two days later, the Honor and Remember RV will set out on the first leg of a 23-week journey by heading north to Dover, Delaware, where the bodies of fallen military service members enter the country. Then after a stop at the United States Navel Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, the campaign will travel through the remaining Mid-Atlantic states and New England prior to heading west.

The “Honor and Remember Across America” itinerary includes a stop in Los Angeles on September 11, where a special rally will be held, featuring various celebrities including television and radio personality Dennis Miller and actress Bo Derek. The journey will culminate on Veterans Day, November 11, at Arlington National Cemetery for a final ceremony.

During his journey, Lutz will spend time sharing the vision of the Honor and the Remember Flag with Americans everywhere. His desire is to encourage them to support the effort to have the flag adopted as a national symbol by writing to their elected officials and encouraging them to support the flag initiative.

“This is a grassroots campaign to establish a new emblem with which every American can say, ‘I am grateful for and I will never forget what so many families have lost to preserve our nation,'” said Lutz. “Where the Honor and Remember Flag flies beneath the American flag, it reminds us all that freedom is never free.”

On December 29, 2005, George Anthony Lutz II (Tony) was killed by a sniper’s bullet while he was on patrol in Fallujah, Iraq. His family and friends endured the shock, emotional agony and overwhelming loss that accompanied the news of Tony’s death, just like the many families who have suffered the same tragedy. In the months that followed Tony’s funeral, his father, George, visited other families who had lost loved ones in the Iraq war. He began to sense that he had joined the ranks of a unique fellowship. These families were only the latest additions to a group that originated with the American Revolution, when the first soldiers to shed their blood for our freedom gave their lives.

George found another commonality among the families of fallen soldiers. After their grief had transitioned to numbness and finally to acceptance, many families wanted to know two things: their sacrifice was not in vain and the nation would never forget. These concerns led George on a quest to discover if there was a universally recognized symbol that specifically acknowledges the American service men and women who never made it home. To his surprise, he found nothing. Thus the Honor and Remember Flag was conceived. Honor and Remember, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.

During the last two years, personalized Honor and Remember Flags have been presented to nearly two hundred families. Each personalized flag contains the name, date of death and place of death of the service member. The flags are presented to the mother of the fallen service member or another designated family member.Along with many private presentations, Lutz was honored to present flags to family members of the 17 sailors killed in the attack on the USS Cole in Yemen, who gathered for a special ceremony at Naval Station Norfolk on October 12, 2008. On July 4, 2009, Lutz presented personalized Honor and Remember Flags to the family members of the marines killed in the Battle for Fallujah in 2004, who gathered for a special remembrance ceremony in Arlington, Virginia.Understandably, each individual presentation is an emotional and meaningful moment. In addition to the families of service members who have fallen in recent conflicts, Lutz has presented flags to family members of loved ones killed in World War II and Vietnam.

The Honor and Remember Flag has been endorsed by the American Gold Star Mothers, Inc., The Gold Star Wives of America, The Blue Star Mothers, the Vietnam Veterans of America, the Fleet Reserve Association, the Military Officers Association of America, the Associations of the U.S. Army, Navy and Air Force, among many other organizations. The flag has already been adopted as an official state symbol of remembrance by Virginia and Oklahoma; legislation to adopt the flag has been written in nine other states.

Disabled Vet Makes Bike Trip to Promote New Flag

Ride Will Cover 2400 Miles and Go Through Washington, D.C.

NORMAN, Oklahoma — Kevin George Baker, a disabled Navy veteran, will ride his hand-propelled bicycle from his hometown through Washington, D.C. and Gettysburg, Pennsylvania to Marseilles, Illinois to support a new flag designed to honor fallen members of the military. His trip will begin at his home on Saturday, March 7 and will take 15 weeks to complete. Baker, who is unable to use his legs due to a neurological impairment, will fly the Honor and Remember Flag from his bike and encourage people along the way to sign a petition urging Congress to adopt the flag as a new national symbol by passing HR Bill 546.

“I was so impressed when I saw the design for the Honor and Remember Flag and learned about its purpose,” said Baker. “I decided that I could help spread the word about it.” The Honor and Remember Flag was created by George Lutz, whose son Tony was killed by a sniper’s bullet in Iraq in 2005. Officially unveiled last Memorial Day in Norfolk, Virginia, the flag has gained national support from several veterans groups and the American Gold Star Mothers. The petition drive, which is featured on the Honor and Remember Inc. web site (www.honorandremember.org), seeks to generate one signature for every known American war casualty. Another goal is to present a personalized Honor and Remember Flag to the parents of fallen military service members.

Baker was injured while serving as a firefighter in Kuwait during the Persian Gulf War when a Scud missile struck his barracks. He also intends to stop in Danville, Virginia to visit his mother and grandparents. His grandfather is a decorated WWII veteran. And he will visit Virginia Beach, Virginia to meet with Honor and Remember Inc. founder George Lutz.

In Washington, D.C., Baker will join up with a bike ride to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, organized by Soldiers’ Angels, a support organization for United States military personnel. From there Baker will ride to Marseilles, Illinois to visit the Middle East Conflicts Wall Memorial dedicated to military service members who died since 1979 including the Persian Gulf War and in the current conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. Members of a Gold Star family will transport him home to Oklahoma. Kevin’s progress with pictures and journal will be chronicled on www.honorandremember.org.

Kevin’s Proposed Route

Leaving Norman OK on Sat the 7th around 10 am heading SE to hwy 9 thru Little Axe, Pink, Tecumseh and onto hwy 9A thru Seminole and 9W to DUSTIN, ENTERPRISE, to WHITEFIELD, to Hwy 9 WHITEFIELD TO 271/59S to PANAMA, SHADY POINT, HOWE, onto 59S to HEAVENER,TO HODGENS, then SW on hwy 59S to BIG CEDAR, into SMITHVILLE, All the way S BROKENBOW,AND 259S TO HARRIS, AND CROSSING INTO

Kevin’s modified Cycle

Kevin’s shots along the way

3-05-09 – Today we received our 1st images from Kevin.

3-07-09 – Kevin Begins his Ride

Read the Norman Transcript story.

3-08-09 – Kevin biked south 120 miles and reached Gainesville, TX for a much needed rest. It seems his journey is already garnering stories as he has been detained by the police, partly escorted by Harleys and put up for the night by new found friends.

3-09-09 – From Kevin

Day 3 was a mess, had 20-40 mile head winds. Talk about a hard ride, I came across a VFW Post 1922, they were great and helpful as well. There were Soldiers Angels that showed up and everyone loved the flag. You should start getting more signatures from alot of people here. I got pulled over again yesterday for the same thing, stopping on the shoulder and got a warning. I should make it priority to start the ride everyday getting pulled over, HA. i will send pics of the great TX trooper and some of the people I have met.

I have made it to Sherman TX since Saturday.

Day 4 – Resting in Sherman

Dallas, TX channel 12 KXII News

Gainesville Daily Register story

3-11-09 – From Kevin

The temp has gone from raining and near 80 to raining and near 34 degrees. Honor Guard is going to come and pick me up from Sherman,TX and take me to were ever its sunny and just a bit warmer than freezing. Soldiers Angels Martha Nayman and her Husband are taking me to breakfast this morning before the Honor Guard gets here from LA. We are headed South towards the Gulf of Mexico, more later today.


The Herald Democrat

3-13-09 – A tragic end

Sadly this morning it was announced that Kevin Baker’s journey has ended. He passed away peacefully in his sleep last night as God had other plans for this incredible man. He passionately took hold of things he believed in and pursued life with a courage and strength many of us only dream about. I only wish we could have shaken his hand in his triumph. Here are comments from those close to him…..

Keith Dixon – To all those who have loved and  supported Kevin, I have some very sad news. We are just beginning to get the details, but it appears that Kevin has passed away. Again, the details are just coming in, but it appears that he went to sleep last night with a support family and they were unable to wake him this morning. …I know that everyone of you who have loved and supported Kevin would want to know as soon as possible. My name is Keith, and I am Kevin’s brother in law.

Rita Bostelman – Kevin was in the loving care of Soldier Angels Martha Nayman when he called his friends from the Illinois Freedom Run Paul and Susan Moreno and they went and picked him up. He had a meal conversation watched a little tv and went to bed. He never woke in the morning. Kevin was not alone he was cradled by the love of people who cared about him. Ultimately his cancer did not wait until Kevin could finish his mission.

Susan M. – Kevin Baker, the wounded soldier that was riding cross country to present President Obama with an Honor and Remember Flag was at my house in Vinton, Louisiana. He passed away this morning, I am sorry to say. He died doing what he believed in, and that was honoring our wounded and fallen soldiers. May he rest in peace now. His mission here on earth was accomplished.


Read The Norman Transcript


Read the Navy Times


KXII News Dallas

Military.com Article


Wounded Warrior returns to Wall