Day 2 – Delaware/Maryland

June 8, 2010

Yesterday we found out that the state of Delaware had endorsed by resolution HR 1034 on March 24th. it was our mission to visit the DE state capitol and locate the sponsors of their bill HCR27, thanking them. On our way we stopped by the governors office in hopes we could speak with one of his staff, which we did, leaving our packet behind.

We went immediately over to Legislature hall where we met with Rep Bill Oberle and Sen Bushweller thanking them for sponsorship. We also were able to speak with Rep Dan Short and Sen Bunting. Our goal is state adoption of the flag and I was encouraged that legislation will be drawn up to that effect this month. We will check back.  Everyone was extremely enthusiastic and helpful.

Following this visit we headed to Harford County where County Executive David Craig participated with me at his office in a personalized flag presentation to Bob and Carol Roddy in memory of their son PO2 David Roddy ~ 16 Sept 2006 ~ Iraq and also Edith Canapp in tribute to her son Cpl Gary Edward Canapp ~ 8 May 1968 ~ Vietnam. family was also in attendance as well as Col Orlando Ortiz and CSM Rodney Rhoades from Aberdeen Proving Ground.

After a short rest we proceeded to an amazing picnic in Lisbon MD. This incredible feast was organized and prepared by Susan Booth and Howard Lasky of the Town Grill. All of the food was donated and the community was invited to hear the message of Honor and Remember. It was a tremendous outpouring of support and over $1,000 was collected to help us on our trip. I was humbled and touched by the caring spirit of these wonderful people. The Lisbon VFD also made a donation to us in Joey’s name for $500! Delegate Warren Miller was in attendance and pledged to move legislation through the MD House.

While there I was able to present flags to Mr and Mrs Davis in memory of their son Sgt David J. ‘Joey’ Davis ~ 17 Sept 2006 ~ Iraq, and to Susan Booth in tribute to her husband, Sgt Arlie Spencer, Jr ~ May 15, 1970 ~ Vietnam.

This is not about a piece of cloth but the touching of precious lives that have lost more than we could ever repay. God bless you Lisbon. Did I tell you the ribs were amazing?

Tomorrow: Annapolis tour and visit with gold star families along with state lawmakers. Then off to NJ.

Blessings, George

Day 1 – Delaware

June 7, 2010

Today began at 4:30 am in Chesapeake. It was the start of our historic and monumental journey. By 6am Alex Rohr and I were headed to Dover Air Force Base for an 11am meeting with the wing commander and his Vice commander. When we arrived we were greeting by air force personnel and escorted to the mortuary affairs facility where families await the process of DT Dignified transfer.

I must say that this is one outstanding building, it is furnished and outfitted with much care as the fragile and emotional state of the families is respectfully considered.  I was able to share the Honor and Remember vision with humbled reverence. In 2005 when Tony was brought through Dover it was not an open venue families were able to meet their loved ones. Since it has now been opened many families have been able to be a part of this most important homecoming.

I consider it an extreme honor to be able to have been embraced by the leadership at DAFB and to begin our journey in this most hallowed place.

FOLLOWING our base visit I was privileged to be able to present two personalized flags in an intimate setting inside the Kent county Levy court building.  Today we honored Carol James and her family in tribute to her son LCpl Richard James and Judy Campbell in honor of her brother killed in Vietnam SP4 Keith Campbell. many thanks to all who participated to make this a meaningful time for these precious families.

Special note: Today I found out quite by accident that the State of Delaware on March 24th had already passed resolution HCR 27 endorsing the Honor and Remember Flag as a national symbol!

Tomorrow: State capitol visit in the morning and headed to MD.

Blessings, George

Honor and Remember tour kicks off from Va. Beach

By Kathy Adams
The Virginian-Pilot

© June 6, 2010

George Lutz, the father of an Army soldier killed in Iraq, kicked off his Honor and Remember Across America tour from Regent University on Saturday morning.

His goal is to travel 49 states, encouraging residents and legislators to support national adoption of the Honor and Remember flag, which he created to recognize Americans killed in military service.

U.S. Rep. Randy Forbes, a Chesapeake Republican, has sponsored a bill designating the flag a national symbol. He was the kickoff’s keynote speaker, according to a news release.

Lutz plans to travel north from Virginia Beach, then across the northern part of the country, south through California and then through the southern half of the country, according to the Honor and Remember website. The tour will stop at state capitals and meet with families who have lost loved ones in military service.

Lutz hopes to end his 22,000-mile trip at Arlington National Cemetery on Nov. 11, Veterans Day, according to the website.

Honor and remember across America

By: Melanie Woodrow

NOROLK, Va. ( – While veterans everywhere marched in parades, George Lutz was on a parade of his own.

The father of fallen soldier George Anthony Lutz II, George Lutz hit 15 Chick-fil-A restaurants across Hampton Roads Memorial Day Monday to say thank you.

“This is the first time that a business like this has really stepped up and wanted to make a difference,” said Lutz.

“We decided as a group of operators this year to unite behind this campaign for George and to honor those who have fallen in our country,” said Chick-fil-A owner Gary Itnyre.

Chick-Fil-A owners donated five percent of Memorial Day sales to Lutz’s organization.

The money in part goes to educating people across America about the Honor and Remember Flag. The flag is a tribute to any fallen service member.

“To have a flag to have a symbol flying every day that recognizes the price of freedom is an unbelievable tribute to those men and women,” said Lutz.

In March, the Virginia General Assembly voted to adopt the flag as a state symbol.

One week from Memorial Day Monday, Lutz will embark on a cross country journey.

“It’ll be a deployment if you will for five months, 17,000 miles, culminating in Arlington Cemetery, November 11 on Veteran’s Day,” said Lutz.

The goal is that every other state in the nation will also adopt the flag.

Lutz says he never imagined he would receive so much support.

“Being able to take my son’s death and convert that into such a positive way of reaching out to hundreds of thousands of families that have experienced that same loss is such an important thing,” he said.

Now that he has, he is ready for the next leg of his journey.

The Journey Begins

With so much momentum in place and more progress ahead, we must focus on broadening awareness. That is why we will soon be taking the message to every state and launching “Honor and Remember Across America.”

The trip will focus on taking the Honor and Remember message to 49 states with the hope that each state legislature will join Virginia’s in officially adopting the flag. We will be giving presentations at various venues where we have been invited to speak, including houses of worship, veterans groups and community organizations. And most importantly, we will look forward to meeting many Gold Star families around the U.S. Our goals are to spread the word about the Honor and Remember Flag everywhere possible, to see the flag flying across America and to touch the lives of many families who have lost so much.

Our plan is to leave Virginia the first week of June and spend 23 weeks traveling a route from one state capital to another, heading north to Maine, then west across the upper half of the United States, reaching Sacramento by early September. Then we will head south through California and then east across the lower half of the U.S., arriving at Arlington National Cemetery on Veterans Day, Nov. 11, 2010 — A total of 22,000 miles round-trip.

I need your help to successfully accomplish this entire mission. Please review the posted itinerary (Click Here) and look over the dates and places I am planning to visit. This cannot be achieved without significant resources, coordination and support. Please consider helping us in this effort, individually or corporately. Here are our areas of need.

Host us in your city and:

  • Help to secure appointments with state and local officials;
  • Join me at your state capital;
  • Arrange meetings with veterans groups or local organizations;
  • Help initiate and plan personalized flag presentations;
  • Arrange opportunities to share in your place of worship or at community meetings
  • Join me on a portion of the road trip.

Our physical needs include:

    Use of a Class A recreational vehicle;

  • Cost of gas, tolls, maintenance, insurance, etc.;
  • Food;
  • Lodging;
  • Flag sponsorship – personalized and state flags;
  • Airline tickets;
  • Volunteer staff & Drivers.

If you can help in any way possible or if you have suggestions for areas I have left out, please write to
me at

Thank you for the continued support.

George Lutz

Honor and Remember Across America

With so much momentum in place and more progress ahead, we must focus on broadening awareness. That is why we will soon be taking the message to every state and launching “Honor and Remember Across America.”

The trip will focus on taking the Honor and Remember message to 49 states with the hope that each state legislature will join Virginia’s in officially adopting the flag. We will be giving presentations at various venues where we have been invited to speak, including houses of worship, veterans groups and community organizations. And most importantly, we will look forward to meeting many Gold Star families around the U.S. Our goals are to spread the word about the Honor and Remember Flag everywhere possible, to see the flag flying across America and to touch the lives of many families who have lost so much.

Our plan is to leave Virginia the first week of June and spend 23 weeks traveling a route from one state capital to another, heading north to Maine, then west across the upper half of the United States, reaching Sacramento by early September. Then we will head south through California and then east across the lower half of the U.S., arriving at Arlington National Cemetery on Veterans Day, Nov. 11, 2010 — A total of 22,000 miles round-trip.

I need your help to successfully accomplish this entire mission. Please review the posted itinerary (Click Here) and look over the dates and places I am planning to visit. This cannot be achieved without significant resources, coordination and support. Please consider helping us in this effort, individually or corporately. Here are our areas of need.

Host us in your city and:

  • Help to secure appointments with state and local officials;
  • Join me at your state capital;
  • Arrange meetings with veterans groups or local organizations;
  • Help initiate and plan personalized flag presentations;
  • Arrange opportunities to share in your place of worship or at community meetings
  • Join me on a portion of the road trip.

Our physical needs include:

  • Cost of gas, tolls, maintenance, insurance, etc.;
  • Food;
  • Lodging;
  • Flag sponsorship – personalized and state flags;
  • Airline tickets;
  • Volunteer staff & Drivers.

If you can help in any way possible or if you have suggestions for areas I have left out, please write to me at

Thank you for the continued support.